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Grand Canyon Tuolumne

Tuolumne Meadows

Grab your fishing rods and your swim suits for this advanced 35 mile trip along the Tuolumne River in Yosemite National Park. Day 1 descends nearly 3000 feet into the river gorge and then days 2-5 we work our way out. Each day is filled with swimming, hiking, fishing, stargazing and waterfalls. There's even a waterslide for the bravehearted. 

“For miles the river is one wild, exulting, on-rushing mass of snowy purple bloom, spreading over glacial waves of granite without any definite channel, gliding in magnificent silver plumes, dashing and foaming through huge boulder-dams, leaping high into the air in wheel-like whirls, displaying glorious enthusiasm, tossing from side to side, doubling, glinting, singing in exuberance of mountain energy.

Every one who is anything of a mountaineer should go on through the entire length of the cañon, coming out by Hetch Hetchy. There is not a dull step all the way. With wide variations, it is a Yosemite Valley from end to end.”

– John Muir, The Yosemite

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